TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE AFRICAN CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS IN TH EUNITED STATES (ACCCRUS) Walking the Path of Hope; Journeying Together as African MissionariesRegistration FormN.BPLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES FILLING THE FORM CONTACT US VIA support@acccrus.orgThank youName *Parish/OrganizationStreet Address *CityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeHomeCell PhoneWorkEmail *(Arch)Diocese of Residence(Arch)Diocese of IncardinationDate of BirthRegistration fee ( For PayPal Only)First time attendees should add membership fee of $10.00Priests & Men Religious ($105.00) PaypalWomen Religious ($55.00)PaypalRegistration fee (For Zelle Only)First time attendees should add membership fee of $10.00Priests & Men Religious ($100.00) ZelleWomen Religious ($50.00) ZellePlease pay with Zelle using: acccrus.tre19@gmail.comTotal PaymentRegister